Monday, December 24, 2007

Typo in "Check out the art by CS.

The correct url is

Live From Within and Thrive!



Hello everyone! CHECK THIS OUT!

My name is Carrie Sokalski (CS) and I am an artist, an energy coach and a writer. If you like what you see let me know at I am working on my new website, still but I am updating it so everyone can "meet me", by watching my video, listen to clips of my recorded cd's, read intro to my 21 day "Beyond Self Help" manual and much more.
Also, a new website, is being created for my art.
Way cool!

Live From Within and Thrive.

CS (Carrie Sokalski)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fill the inner void "NOW" please!

Dear Carrie: I am a very successful person in my community and financially but I still feel an inner void and that there is more out there. Is there? Colorado

Dear Colorado: I have found the phrases “now babies” and “instant gratification” to be as most things in this physical world, FLEETING! I have lived a good part of my life filling the void with outside pleasures as I am sure most, if not all, have done the same. What this means is taking people, places, cars, substances, money, technology, careers, news, sports, religions, books, doctor visits, blaming… on and on and on and on, and acting as if this or these make you happy or whole. Then remorse sets in one hour to 3 days later and on to the next pleasure. I did this because I have always known and felt that there was “More out there” and I would not be happy until I found it, whatever “IT” was. This insanity stopped once I started to listen and feel what my head and body were saying to me, in the real and only NOW! What I was being told from within myself was “YOU ARE NOT HAPPY” stop searching for outside happiness’ look and live from within. I then noticed my inner and outer dialog towards myself and others, YUK. Most of the thoughts that ran through my head, at this stage, were cut downs towards me and blaming of others.
Examples from my inner dialog towards myself: Who are you to have a loving relationship, your fat, you shouldn’t be driving that car nobody understands, your old, why is that person so mean to me, don’t lose this one you are to old to find another, don’t trust anyone because everyone is out to get you and you are not worth anything, knowing my luck, I am stressed, I am having an anxiety attack and WHY ME.
Examples of my inner and outer speech towards others: That is not right do it my way. If only you would pick up around the house, buy me cards, throw me a surprise birthday party, drive better, be more emotional - then I would be happy. That person cut me off, they are out to get me, she is prettier, and she is uglier.
Finally I started to change my inner dialog. I write it, post it everywhere in my house and my car. I read it study it memorize it and when an old phrase comes up I immediately change the dialog to positive reinforcement.
Example of current dialog: I have accomplished great things and will continue to do so through out my life. I am creative, loving, caring, open minded, logical, honest, organized, understanding, tenacious, vibrant, exuberant, abundant….I have talents which deserve to be richly rewarded, everywhere I look new opportunities present themselves, success comes naturally for me and there is so much joy in my life. I see only the good in others and realize that nobody can tell me how to feel or act and nor can I tell them how they feel or act.
I focus on the now and only the now. If somebody asks me the time I answer “right now” If somebody asks me where are you I answer “here” because all any of us have is the Here and Now. Everything had to start with me and I stopped doing the same thing expecting different results.
Please readers stop talking or telling others stories for a month and start listening to what was about to come out of your mouth and then start to notice the feeling in your stomach. If the feeling in your stomach is icky what you were about to say is not your personal truth, it is a false belief from your past or someone else, nor is it positive for you. Now replace that with something positive towards yourself and give the person you were about to talk with a compliment.
Make this your new habit and you will notice you are slowly filling that insatiable void!

Please email your questions or comments about “Dear Carrie” to: or mail to: PO Box 7767, Pueblo West, 81007.