Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Limiting Believes - what are they?

Limiting Beliefs

“Limiting Beliefs” are the results of our up bringing. Some of these “beliefs” work for us but most of these beliefs are limiting and hold us back from truly living from within. Living from within is what we KNOW to be our own personal truth.

Let’s play the "Break it down" game:
"Break it Down" Limiting Belief = I do not have a degree so I can’t go for that job.
I must ask: do you really want that particular job? Chances are great that you do not. You are just looking for a job to bring in money. If you really just need the money take a job that will bridge your finances until you find the job you really want. So my next question to you is what do you really want to do for enjoyment that will bring in the dollars you would like? Think about it, write it down, post it everywhere, look for signs that support the idea and look for the opportunities that fit what you enjoy. If done this way the reward will be you are having fun everyday and making more money than you expected.
"Break it Down" Limiting Belief = I cant afford that. Your right you can’t because this is what you keep telling yourself and others based on a past belief or somebody else telling you that you can’t. When you keep telling yourself these mind created truths this is all you will get so change your mind created truths. Keep your thoughts to yourself! Whenever you see something you like first ask yourself do I really like that as a whole or do I like the color, texture, taste, idea, feeling…, answer yourself truthfully to any or all above tell yourself I can afford that but today I choose to exchange my dollars elsewhere. This scenario can happen 1-60 times a day, use the same process and answer. You are now starting to create your personal truths, not your friends, spouse, parents, strangers – YOURS. By doing this all day you will realize you do not want half the thing you thought and you will manifest the funds to afford the things you really want.
"Break it Down" Limiting Belief = I get sick twice a year every year. I bet you do but you no longer have to make this your reality. Start creating the personal truth in your mind that you are always healthy. ALWAYS! I am healthy in every way, shape, and form. I have always been healthy and therefore remain healthy. I am balanced Spiritually, Mentally and Physically. Write it, post it, believe it, live it! By doing this you will move towards total health.
You, yourself and you are the only authority that needs to be involved in any personal decisions!!!!! Start listening to what you say to yourself and others so you can create your personal truths. I look at our thoughts as computer software. We are high technology computers and we can at anytime change or upgrade our software. Start now!

Please, email your questions or comments for “Dear” Carrie to or blog at


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